
Monday, November 12, 2018

Devas, what could they be? Part 5: Another Universe

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This is what is usually meant when people say “beings from another dimension”, they meant another universe, not necessarily beings from a higher dimension. There are plenty of different types of multiverse which are compared at the chapter of Multiple Universes. For our purposes, we will just use the one which is most convenient for the explanations of gods as beings from a parallel universe, the brane (from membrane) multiverse.
Image result for parallel branesThe brane multiverse is based on M-theory, it is the one multiverse which combines higher dimensions with parallel universes. M-theory has 11 dimensions, 1 of which is the time dimension, so 10 spacial dimensions. There can be more than 3 macroscopic dimensions in M-theory. In M-theory, there can be objects which are more than 1D, unlike string theory which fundamental object is just 1D strings. So there can be 3D branes which are as big as our universe, maybe infinitely big, sitting in higher dimensions, along side another 3D brane which is just a short distance away in another dimensional distance.
The laws of physics and biology can be different in the parallel brane universe. This makes it able to accommodate many various different requirements which are characteristic of gods. In Physics, the anti-string group calls the theory that can predict or accommodate anything as a worthless theory. Also take note that the brane multiverse is based on M-theory which is itself incomplete as there is yet no fundamental equation of M-theory that we know of, and M-theory also can give rise to predictions of all sorts of universes, making it seems like a worthless theory to some. To have gods as beings living in a parallel brane, they must have the power or technology to reach out and interact with our brane universe.

   Spontaneous rebirth: Depending on the laws of biology in the other brane universe, the gods in the parallel branes can be spontaneously reborn.

   Invisible, but can reveal themselves, or be seen via divine eye: As they live in the parallel brane, they are naturally invisible to us. Those with divine eye maybe able to see into higher dimensions, therefore able to see parallel branes and distances far away.

   Blissful, but not end of suffering: Depending on the laws of nature there, they can be quite blissful. However, like the case of aliens, with craving as the cause of suffering not eradicated, they are still bound in the realms of rebirth.

   Long life: Depending on the laws of biology in the other brane universe, the gods in the parallel branes can be long lived.

   Many levels: Each level of devas can reside in a different brane, this would nicely account for the difference in their time passing in relation to our time on earth. If we think of the 3D brane as embedded in 4D, then only 2 branes have the space to be beside us, but if we increase the dimension to 6D, then 3D branes would look like 0D dots if we think of 6D space as 3D space, 0D dots can have infinitely many other 0D dots besides it, thus our 3D branes can have infinitely many other parallel branes just beside it by embedding it in 6D space.

   Superior powers, but limited knowledge: If the gods have the technology or powers to reach out across branes, then they already have superior powers and knowledge with respect to us.

   Virtuous conduct needed to be reborn here: This is rather unknown, there might not be anything special which separates one brane from another, unlike in the higher dimensional case. Thus this criteria cannot be naturally satisfied if we think of gods as beings from parallel universes. However, if only Brahma realm maps to different brane universes, then perhaps the Jhana mind is the key to unlock interactions and travel between different brane universes.

   Powers of instant travelling: This would be explained in the same way as the higher dimensions. Another way to explain this would be that the distances in the deva branes are much shorter compared to our world. So crossing over from our world to the deva world, walk a step there, one can emerge light years away in our world. Another possibility is that the universal speed limit is much higher in other branes. All these can add up to give the ability to travel very far in a very short time.

   Luminous light shining forth from them: Again, same as the higher dimensional case, maybe beings from another universe would naturally leak out energy from crossing universes as light. To explain how they shine in their own universe, just assume that the laws of physics is different there.

   One for each world: This is the puzzling blockage for the speculation of gods as beings from another universe. It might be an arbitrary choice for the gods to stick close to solar systems. As beings with the power to travel across universes and arbitrary distances, there is no natural reason for them to stick to solar systems. Unless the distances in their universe is the same as the distances in our universe and the powers of instant travelling is merely the ability to travel from the same point in their universe to ours, but to travel to another solar system takes a long time to the gods as it does for us. If this is the case, then gods are just beings living in parallel earths on parallel branes, stuck onto each world like the rest of us, just slightly more advanced than humans.

For Agganna sutta, maybe the gods who eat a lot of the food gained so much course body that their abilities to return to their home brane was gradually lost, then they get stuck here as normal humans.

Possible experimental verification: First, we have to find out if M-theory is correct, by building solar system sized or larger particle accelerator to smash subatomic particles together at energies near the Big Bang to probe Plank scale physics. So far, M-theory has no experimental support from the Large Hadron Collider as supersymmetry, the essential ingredient in string and M-theory is still yet unobserved. Thus the outcome looks bleak for M-theory, thus for brane multiverse. Even if M-theory is in the far future shown to be true and its full equation is found, it still remains to be seen if the theory itself gives us any clue on how to interact with parallel branes, or to even tell if parallel branes exists.

Likelihood of gods as beings from another universe if brane multiverse exists: (I use 50 for unknown or uncertain factors)

1.   Spontaneous rebirth: 50%
2.  Invisible, but can reveal themselves, or be seen via divine eye: 99%
3.  Blissful, but not end of suffering: 50%
4.  Long life: 50%
5.  Many levels: 79%
6.  Superior powers, but limited knowledge: 89%
7.  Virtuous conduct needed to be reborn here: 50 %
8. Powers of instant travelling: 99%
9.  Luminous light shining forth from them: 50%
10.              One for each world: 50%

Total possibilities: (product of all ten scores after converting them to probabilities): 1.077%. Possible, but too many unknowns, maybe they are just aliens living in the universe next door, thus solving the instant travelling problem.

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