

This blog is to note down my thoughts on the interdisciplinary subject Physics and Buddhism. The word Physics is put first to emphasize that I shall try to view this from a Physics point of view slightly more. However, a Buddhist point of view will be presented too, mostly practising views.

There is a danger of trying to mix up science and religion or using science to support or to disprove religion.

It is in the nature of all things to be impermanent, including our best knowledge of how the universe works. So science as a discipline is ever changing. While I would have said that the words of religions which shows the ultimate and absolute truths will never change, that would be naive and attaching too much to the fingers that are pointing towards the moon. The words are there, but the way to interpret them is renewed with each generation.

My aim is to present Physics and Buddhism from their own standpoint, hoping to avoid the case where distortion of Physics is used to justify Buddhism. Having said that, the very comparison of Physics and Buddhism has this underlying aim of letting Physicists to be able to appreciate Buddhism more. And for those Buddhist who like to use Science in propagating Buddhism to be clear of Physicists' knowledge of Physics.

I guess I'll add in some other science and science fiction, technology or even book reviews to keep the posts more frequent.

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